Monday, March 7, 2011

The World as my Five Year Old Sees it...

My little girl LOVES to draw/paint/color.  I asked her to bring me a recent drawing and this is what she brought to me.

I asked her what it was and she said, "Actually, that is called Outer Space".  She drew the wind, stars, and the moon with pastels in school.  I think it is very cool how she is already learning how to represent what she knows about the world through drawings.  She has never seen outer space and has still come up with a rendering of what it looks like to her.  What I found to be most interesting is that she used wavy lines and circles to draw 'wind'.  Wind isn't something that can be seen and she found a way to draw it into the visual world.  This to me just shows how many things are visual.  Even though we may not see a lot of different things, doesn't mean they are not visual.  The visual can exist in our mind.  In this example, the wind existed in little Emma's mind as swirly and colorful and she was able to show it in her drawing.