Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Maiden, Mother, Crone

Who goes to Salt Lake City and gets a tattoo on a whim?  That would be something I did a few years ago. I wanted the tattoo to have meaning and be original.  This is on my rib cage.  I was a 23 year old single mother at the time when I got this done.  It was drawn up by a tattoo artist after I told him what I wanted. 
The symbol inside the butterfly represents the symbol of the Triple Goddess. 

Maiden, Mother and Crone

The symbol itself is representative of the different phases of the moon. 

The phases of the moon are also representative of the different stages of womanhood.  I also had the artist draw a butterfly as butterfly's can represent the next stage in life.  At the time, I was going through changes that I felt like changed my life forever. So it meant a lot to be able to represnt that in a tattoo. 

I am still very happy with it. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

We All Have Ears, Say Cheers

I remember Saturday morning cartoons.  They were filled with Roadrunner stifling Wylie Coyote and Tom trying to catch Jerry and ACME sized anvils dropping on a number of different cartoon characters.  Cartoons were made strictly for entertainment.  We were an audience being subjected to shallow and entertaining cartoon images with limited story lines and catchy tunes. 

This is not the case now.  Kids have gone frome audience, to user.  Turn on the cartoons on a Saturday and you will not find the same hysterics.  Instead, Mickey Mouse will be asking YOU questions and then pausing to hear your answer as if he can actually hear you.  Cartoons now are educational and interactive.  I can't help but wonder what this will change for the intellectual development of the youth now.  Maybe this is an early example of what we are to expect as far as interactive tv. 

Here's to the future of possibly getting to participate in our tv shows.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Monster Ball

In a normal cicrumstance walking around asking people to stop and pose so you can take their picture would not be taken well.  But when you are part of something like a Lady Gaga concert it brings together the types of people that want to be seen and to be photographed.  They want to be recognized for the way they are dressed and not dressed.  Lady Gaga lovingly refers to her crowd as 'little monsters' and the description is not that far off.  But what I saw at the concert was more than just people who wanted to be noticed.  There were girls dressed the way we dressed when we were four years old.  Decked out to a point of bedazzling and tu-tus.  

Monday, March 7, 2011

The World as my Five Year Old Sees it...

My little girl LOVES to draw/paint/color.  I asked her to bring me a recent drawing and this is what she brought to me.

I asked her what it was and she said, "Actually, that is called Outer Space".  She drew the wind, stars, and the moon with pastels in school.  I think it is very cool how she is already learning how to represent what she knows about the world through drawings.  She has never seen outer space and has still come up with a rendering of what it looks like to her.  What I found to be most interesting is that she used wavy lines and circles to draw 'wind'.  Wind isn't something that can be seen and she found a way to draw it into the visual world.  This to me just shows how many things are visual.  Even though we may not see a lot of different things, doesn't mean they are not visual.  The visual can exist in our mind.  In this example, the wind existed in little Emma's mind as swirly and colorful and she was able to show it in her drawing.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rhianna's Performing Body Part!

So turns out I have been WAY over thinking this. I need to catch up though. I don't follow many things in the popular media. But I absolutely watch the Grammy's. It is like the superbowl of pop culture. :) My observation was a strong reaction to Rhianna's performance with Drake. Check out the video:

What I see here is an extreme focus on her private area by the placing of a gem dead center in her lower body. I am surprised by her dance moves coupled with her outfit and just how much that is the focus of her performance. The power of the visual focus is strong enough that despite everything else going on, from fire in the background to the dancers and the singing, my focus lands directly on the single gem in her outfit. Basically, Rhianna's girly parts performed at the Grammy's... I wonder if she knew.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Chapter 1

Hi all.  Some background info on me... I just got married this last September. I have two little girls, Emma is 5 and Jillian is 16 months.  My husband stays home with the kids and I work and go to school.  I am a military brat so I am "from" many places but I grew up in Colorado.  I am interested to see what random thoughts I share with you all this semester! Hopefully, nothing too dull. :)