Thursday, April 14, 2011

We All Have Ears, Say Cheers

I remember Saturday morning cartoons.  They were filled with Roadrunner stifling Wylie Coyote and Tom trying to catch Jerry and ACME sized anvils dropping on a number of different cartoon characters.  Cartoons were made strictly for entertainment.  We were an audience being subjected to shallow and entertaining cartoon images with limited story lines and catchy tunes. 

This is not the case now.  Kids have gone frome audience, to user.  Turn on the cartoons on a Saturday and you will not find the same hysterics.  Instead, Mickey Mouse will be asking YOU questions and then pausing to hear your answer as if he can actually hear you.  Cartoons now are educational and interactive.  I can't help but wonder what this will change for the intellectual development of the youth now.  Maybe this is an early example of what we are to expect as far as interactive tv. 

Here's to the future of possibly getting to participate in our tv shows.

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